In a much-anticipated cinematic venture, director Pathikrit Basu is set to bring to life the conflict between astrology and science in the upcoming film “Shastri.” The film, based on Devarati Mukhopadhyay’s acclaimed short story, ‘Dolgobindababu Chashma,’ is produced by actor Soham Chakraborty.
Star-Studded Cast and Nostalgic Reunion: The film boasts a stellar cast, with Debashree Roy teaming up with Mithun Chakraborty after a hiatus of 16 years. Anirban Chakrabarty is set to play a special role, and his character, though a guest artist, holds significant importance in the narrative.
Unique Collaboration in Production: Soham Chakraborty, taking charge of the film’s production, joined forces with Nispal Singh of Surinder Films. The collaboration aims to recreate the nostalgia of their previous works, as Soham, having started as a child artist, had previously worked with both Mithun Chakraborty and Debashree Roy.
Pooja Release and Musical Extravaganza: With a keen eye on timing, “Shastri” is slated for release during the festive season of Pooja. Producer Soham Chakraborty, known for his love for tradition, insisted on including a grand Pooja song in the film. Music director Indradeep Dasgupta has risen to the challenge, creating a song that promises to resonate in pandals for the next decade.
A Timeless Pooja Anthem: Soham’s vision for a Pooja song that stands the test of time seems to have been realized with Indradeep Dasgupta’s composition. The team expresses excitement about the song becoming a fixture in pandals for years to come.
As the film “Shastri” unfolds the clash between ancient beliefs and modern science, audiences can expect a visually stunning, emotionally charged experience when it hits the screens during the upcoming DurgaPooja season.
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