The collaboration between acclaimed London Fashion Week designer Sarita Soni and interior design virtuoso Ajay Gupta came to life with the dazzling launch of “Designers Garage.” The event, attended by notable celebrities including Sayosree Dey, Aditi Ghosh, and child actor Tojo, showcased the fusion of fashion and lifestyle at its finest.
The spotlight of the evening was a mesmerizing ramp show featuring models Ashmita Koley and Sreemoyee, unveiling the bespoke creations of Designers Garage. Sarita Soni’s boutique “Saritanvi” continues to impress after her London Fashion Week 2023 acclaim, while Ajay Gupta, the genius behind “Ajay Gupta Designing Co,” showcased his mastery in interior design.
Designers Garage promises a unique shopping experience, offering customized fashionable outfits tailored to individual preferences. The collaborative venture marks a new era where fashion meets individuality, creating a haven for style enthusiasts. The launch event left attendees captivated by the seamless blend of creativity, style, and sophistication, solidifying Designers Garage as the go-to destination for those seeking a touch of elegance in both fashion and lifestyle.
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