The eagerly awaited Bengali film, “Chhotto Piklu,” produced by S3 Entertainment, is set to hit screens on March 22, as announced by director Somnath Bhattacharya. At a recent music launch event attended by industry luminaries, FMD Music’s CEO Ramesh Bhandari expressed confidence in the film’s captivating soundtrack.
“Chhotto Piklu” aims to be more than just entertainment; it serves as a poignant reflection on the hardships endured during the COVID-19 lockdown. Through the lens of Piklu’s family, the film portrays the widespread job losses and the resilience of individuals amidst adversity.
With its collection of authentic narratives, the documentary seeks to become a living testament to the global impact of the pandemic. By highlighting the struggles and humanity of those affected, “Chhotto Piklu” promises to resonate deeply with audiences, offering a compelling glimpse into the challenges faced during unprecedented times. As anticipation builds for its release, the film stands poised to leave a lasting impression on viewers, reminding us of the power of storytelling to illuminate the human experience
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