Hoichoi’s upcoming web series, “Kolonko,” is set to feature the dynamic pairing of Raima Sen and Ritwick Chakraborty in lead roles, directed by Abhimanyu Mukherjee. Sen, playing the pivotal character of Chaiti, a devoted mother and wife, reunites with creator Sahana Dutta for this anticipated project.
Chakraborty steps into the shoes of Rangan, Chaiti’s husband, as the narrative unfolds the lives of this couple who transitioned from college best friends to married parents of two. The foundation of their progressive and contented marriage lies in a unique agreement – unwavering transparency and truthfulness, even when it comes to fleeting romantic entanglements.
As the storyline progresses, the couple faces a monumental challenge at the 20th year of their marriage when Rangan confesses to having developed feelings for someone else. The pact of truth and friendship, once a cornerstone of their relationship, becomes a source of turmoil as Chaiti grapples with the unbearable revelation. The narrative takes an additional twist with a sudden death, introducing an unforeseen element of suspense.
Raima Sen, previously collaborating with Sahana Dutta on “Hello! On Hoichoi,” brings her acting prowess to this emotionally charged series. Ritwick Chakraborty, a familiar face on Hoichoi, adds to the excitement with his role as Rangan. The series promises a compelling exploration of love, truth, and the challenges that arise in long-term marriages.
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