Renowned filmmakers Nandita Roy and Shiboprosad Mukherjee have officially commenced the shooting of their much-anticipated film, “Aamar Boss,” today, marking the return of veteran actress Rakhee Gulzar to the Bengali entertainment industry after nearly two decades. The dynamic duo, celebrated for their previous hit “Raktabeej,” is set to deliver another cinematic masterpiece with this upcoming venture.
The film, scheduled for a summer 2024 release, stars the legendary Rakhee Gulzar alongside the talented Srabanti Chatterjee in pivotal roles. This development has stirred excitement among fans and the industry alike, eagerly anticipating Gulzar’s return to the Bengali film landscape. The actress’s last venture in Bengali cinema was Rituparno Ghosh’s ‘Shubho Mahurat’ in 2003, making “Aamar Boss” a much-anticipated comeback for the seasoned artist.
আজ থেকে শুরু হল নন্দিতা রায় এবং শিবপ্রসাদ মুখোপাধ্যায় পরিচালিত "আমার বস"-এর শুটিং।
ছবিতে মুখ্য চরিত্রে থাকছেন – রাখি গুলজার, শিবপ্রসাদ মুখোপাধ্যায় এবং শ্রাবন্তী চট্টোপাধ্যায়। সাথে থাকছে আরো অনেক চমক।
দেখা হচ্ছে এই গরমের ছুটিতে!#AamarBoss#FirstDayShoot#Summer2024#Windows— Windows Production (@WindowsNs) January 5, 2024
Windows Production, the production house behind the project, took to social media to share the exciting news. A snapshot from the film set was posted, symbolizing the commencement of the shoot and generating buzz around the film. Notably, the directors’ previous release, “Raktabeej,” featuring Victor Banerjee, Abir Chatterjee, and Mimi Chakraborty, received acclaim from audiences and critics alike upon its theatrical release on October 19, 2023.
As the cameras start rolling for “Aamar Boss,” expectations soar, and anticipation builds for another compelling narrative crafted by the talented filmmaking duo. The industry is keenly awaiting the unveiling of this cinematic creation, eager to witness the magic that unfolds on screen with Rakhee Gulzar’s much-awaited return to Bengali cinema.
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