Tollywood sensation Vikram Chatterjee has unveiled a gripping teaser for his upcoming action-packed thriller, “Pariah.” The film, skillfully crafted by Director Tathagata Mukherjee, revolves around the intriguing character of Pariah, a street dog. With screenplay and dialogues by Mukherjee and additional contributions from Antara Banerjee, the 1 minute 23 seconds teaser promises a cinematic experience like never before.
Chatterjee, known for his versatility, showcases a newfound dedication to fitness in his debut hardcore action role. Delivering a powerful line, he declares, “The scars you left on them will now be left on you,” addressing those who harm street dogs. The teaser hints at a narrative where justice for the voiceless emerges from the ashes.
Accompanying Chatterjee’s compelling performance is a riveting background score by Ranajoy Bhattacharjee. The teaser unfolds dramatic scenes featuring Angana Roy with bloodied hands, tied from behind, and Soumya Mukherjee seated in front of a meat shop. Sreelekha Mitra and Ambarish Bhattacharya make notable appearances, while Tapati Munsi, Debashish Roy, and Loknath Dey play crucial roles in the film.
“Pariah” promises to be a unique blend of action and emotion, advocating for the rights of street dogs and delivering a strong message against cruelty. With a stellar cast and creative team, the film is poised to captivate audiences in the upcoming year, establishing a powerful voice for the voiceless.
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