Anindya Chatterjee, known for his notable performances in television dramas and movies like Gaatchora and Belashuru, is all set to make his Bollywood debut in Preetam Mukherjee’s film “Farz.” In this relationship drama, Anindya Chatterjee will be seen playing a significant role alongside lead actors Madhumita Sarcar and Tanuj Virwani.
This marks the first Bollywood venture for both Anindya Chatterjee and Madhumita Sarcar, who will be sharing the screen together. The film also features talented actors Yashpal Sharma, Govind Namdev, and Mushtaq Khan in pivotal roles, adding to the star-studded cast. Speaking about his debut in a Hindi film, Anindya Chatterjee expressed his focus on language training, as Hindi is not his mother tongue. He further added that his character requires a specific dialect, which he will be working on initially. In “Farz,” Madhumita Sarcar and Tanuj Virwani will portray the lead pair, while Anindya Chatterjee will bring his unique charm to an interesting character alongside them. The film revolves around a small-town boy who is compelled by his parents to pursue a government job after completing his studies. Anindya Chatterjee’s previous film, “Shohorer Ushnotomo Dine” with Vikram Chatterjee and Solanki Roy, continues to run in theaters and has garnered praise from both audiences and critics. The love story set in the enchanting city of Kolkata has struck a chord with viewers, further establishing Anindya’s versatility and talent.
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